DFL's 31st annual LGBTQ SCUBA Diving Jamboree will be held at Golden Rock Dive and Nature Resort: St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean, September 14-21, 2024

Diving for Life co-organizers Jim McVittie, Steve Mancuso, and the entire DFL Board of Directors invite you to join us for our 31st Annual Diving For Life International LGBTQ + SCUBA Jamboree hosted at Golden Rock Dive and Nature Resort, St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean.

It's been 32 years since the vision of one man created the worldwide Diving For Life family. Since 1992, Diving For Life has held 30 Scuba Diving Jamborees with hundreds of participants in 14 countries, and affected thousands of lives with over  $1.7 million US dollars given to charity. Join us for our 31st annual International LGBTQ SCUBA Jamboree in St. Eustatius, September 14 -21, 2024!

Support the Jamboree and your favorite charities by Donating today!

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Who We Are

Diving For Life is a tax exempt, not for profit organization that sponsors the annual International LGBTQ Scuba Jamboree. All proceeds from the Jamboree are donated to charitable organizations that support the health concerns of the LGBTQ community.

Birth of a Movement

Patrick Kelly, Founder

One who "lives to dive" can also "dive to live." So proved Patrick Kelly when he gave birth to the First Annual Diving For Life LGBTQ Scuba Jamboree in 1992. A veteran diver in love with the sport and infected with the AIDS virus, Patrick's dream was to unite all gay and lesbian divers while raising money to fight the virus which was slowly depriving him of life.