December 1, 2020
DFL Fiji 2021 Registration – Roll It / Refund It / Donate It
June 29, 2021
Hi Folks,
Recently the Diving For Life Board met to discuss our up coming trip to Fiji in October.

Fiji has had very low instances of COVID in the community. In fact flights into the country are grounded, and only returning Fijians are allowed into the country. Recently, Covid escaped for a quarantine hotel (when a citizen returns they have to spend 2 weeks in mandatory hotel quarantine) and got into the community. This one case turned into 4, and two major cities were locked down ( a government enforced stay at home order). Snap lock downs are a common thing in some countries, and cannot be predicted.
Right now, it cannot be said when flights will resume into Fiji. In fact Australia is now not opening our borders until 2022. Even if we could get into Fiji, we don’t know what restrictions would be put on an event of our size. We couldn’t guarantee that we can hold a Diving For Life as we have in the past.
The Board therefore has taken the decision to postpone Fiji once again until 2022 ( third times a charm).
We are working with the resort and dive operator on the contractual impacts. Similar to last year we are also working on an election process to Roll over your registration, or Refund it. Once we have the technical side worked out, we will contact you again.
Of course we are all disappointed, as we expected that after more than a year the world would be back to normal.
Matt, Tracy and the Diving For Life Board.