Reconfirm your DFL 2022 FIJI Registration
March 24, 2022
DFL30 Turks & Caicos Wrap Up
November 16, 2023
Bula / Hello Everyone!
That’s a wrap for Fiji 20, 21, ‘22
I hope you all got home safely from Fiji or your subsequent travels in the South Pacific or Australia/NZ!
What an amazing week we had! It was great to see the Diving For Life family come back together after COVID and do what we do best – dive, celebrate & raise money. Thank you to anyone who bought raffle tickets, bid at the auctions or sold raffle tickets. It was through your generosity that we raised USD$110,000, which will get distributed via your dive club nominations, to health charities that cater to LGBTQ+ needs in your local area.
The board has green lit a draft proposal to modify the way in which funds are distributed; we hope this will reflect the modern nature of the organization, and will allow every attendee to have a say in what charities receive the funds. We will be using this new process from 2023 onwards. Stay tuned for a future eBlast that will explain this.
Remember- you can help DFL throughout the year by using Amazon Smile and American Airlines Business ExtrAA.
As a volunteer organization, there are many people who work behind the scene during the year to make an event successful. And then when we are on the ground at the event, even more people offer their assistance. We thank you all for helping us do what we do. We know that you are all passionate about the event and our cause. We appreciate you!
Fiji was our 29th event in our 31st year. Next Year is our big 30th event. We hope to see you all – and many more – in Turks & Caicos.
Matt & Tracy, Trip Coordinators 2020 21 22