Welcome Maggie Cannon to the DFL Board!
September 27, 2024
What made DFL 2024 Golden Rock so special?
October 11, 2024
That’s a wrap for DFL 2024 Golden Rock!

We hope you all got home safely from Statia!
For all those who attended, I think it goes without saying that we had one of the most incredible week’s in the history of DFL–arguably the best DFL since 2005.
It was great to see the Diving For Life family come back together and do what we do best – dive, celebrate & raise money. Thank you to anyone who bought raffle tickets, bid at the auctions or donated items. It was through your generosity that we raised USD $50,000, which will get distributed via your charitable region nominations, to health-related charities that cater to LGBTQ+ needs in your local area.
As a volunteer organization, there are many people who work behind the scenes during the year to make an event successful. And then when we are on the ground at the event, even more people offer their assistance. We thank you all for helping us do what we do. We know that you are all passionate about the event and our cause. We appreciate you!
We want to send a special thank you out to Peter and his staff at Golden Rock for making this DFL one of the most memorable in recent memory. Sophie and her staff went beyond to make sure everyone had an amazing week.
We want to extend our most sincere thanks to Steve Mancuso for his 15 years of inspirational leadership on the Board. We love you Steve! His departure from the board left an opening that has been filled by Maggie Cannon. Please join us in welcoming Maggie to the board.
We could not do what we do without the incredibly generous support of our volunteer board members: Cordell Brown, Jim McVittie, Christine Simon, Tracy Taggart, Tom Bond, Chad Anderson, Doug Patterson, Jack Johnson, and Maggie Cannon. ❤️
Finally, DFL 2025 will be hosted at Captain Don’s Habitat, Bonaire. Trip information pages will go live on the website in the coming weeks and registration will soon follow.
2024 Assistant Coordinator
2025 Coordinator
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